Meet Randy

Born in Lowell and raised in Cedar Lake, Randy Niemeyer’s spent his entire life here in Northwest Indiana. Randy’s great-grandfather started hauling milk back in 1916, to try and earn a little extra money from his dairy farm. This endeavor grew and grew, and now Randy and his brother Rich are the fourth generation of his family to haul milk as the owners of Niemeyer Milk Transfer, Inc. A graduate of Hanover Central High School, of which his father was a member of the first graduating class, his daughter a member of the class of 2021, his son a member of the class of 2023, he saw the importance of public service through his grandfather, who served on the first Board for the Hanover Community Schools and his grandmother who spent thirty-five years working in their cafeterias. While playing varsity basketball and baseball, Randy also found time to be in the choir, the thespian society, and student government while tackling his schoolwork. After graduating, Randy attended Indiana State University, while getting his CDL at the age of 18 and going to work for the family business. Randy learned quickly that trucking isn’t easy work, but it’s part of the backbone of our society. To date, Randy has logged over 3 million miles behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler in his 28 years of trucking.

While working at Niemeyer Milk Transfer, Inc., Randy and his wife bought their own home in Cedar Lake in 2002, where they have raised a wonderful daughter and son. They instilled the values of service and hard work into their children watching them both prosper and grow in our community, while being the third generation in their family to attend Hanover Central High School. Randy and his brother went on to purchase Niemeyer Milk Transfer, Inc. in 2016.
After undergoing a major surgery in 2008 and reevaluating his life – Randy realized that many of his heroes, including his grandmother Delphine, had committed themselves to public service, while Randy had devoted his life to work. Hearing this new calling, and realizing that his town of Cedar Lake needed help, Randy made the decision to run for Town Council in 2010, to serve the people of his hometown. In his first year in office, the town was so underwater that they had to borrow money from their wastewater utility to keep the government afloat. After twelve years on the Council, including ten as its President, the town now has tens of millions of dollars in their various funds and has passed a balanced budget with a surplus every year. More than that, Randy was able to secure and improve quality services for Cedar Lake. First and foremost, was getting to work for our brave first responders. Under Randy’s leadership, Cedar Lake established a municipal fire department, and expanded their police force from 14 officers to 25. Randy’s leadership also saw the local takeover of the Cedar Lake Ecosystem Restoration, saving tens of millions of tax dollars on the project, without any property tax increases. His stewardship skills also saw him appointed to the Northwest Indiana Regional Planning Commission, overseeing federal spending in our area on infrastructure and parks. Recently Randy was elected to serve as Lake County Councilman where he oversees a 180-million-dollar budget. Lake County operates its budget with a low tax rate and a small surplus every year and will continue modernize and improve efficiency under Randy’s leadership.
We’ve been able to trust Randy to bring balanced and common-sense leadership to our community. With his blue-collar roots, Randy is ready to go to Washington and fight for the working people of IN-01. It’s time to stop the rising taxes and inflation, cut the red tape hurting small businesses, bring back public safety, and restore American energy independence. A vote for Randy is a vote for you! Vote Randy Niemeyer for Congress in 2024!